Présentations orales lors du colloque du PNST 2024
Liste des présentations orales par thème
- Lavraud B. et Aulanier G., Introduction au colloque
- Marchaudon A., Nouvelles INSU/CNRS
- Amsif K., et Kretzschmar M., Nouvelles CNES
- Mathis S., Nouvelles CEA
- Thème 3 : Couplages entre enveloppes de plasma
- Touresse J., Parametric simulations of the propagation of solar jets: Investigating the origin of switchbacks
- Froment C., Thermal non-equilibrium cycles in solar coronal null points - implications for the solar wind
- Ballerini G., La magnétopause et la théorie des discontinuités
- Garnier P., Classer les facteurs d'influence des frontières plasma planétaires
- Michotte de Welle B., On the location of magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetopause
- Benmahi B., Energy mapping of the Jupiter's auroral electrons from the Juno/UVS data
- Hue V., The satellite auroral footprints at Jupiter: A Juno perspective
- Devinat M., A self-consistent model of radial transport in the magnetodisks of gas giants including interhemispheric asymmetries
- Thème 1 : Simulations et outils numériques
- Réville V., Solar sources and expansion properties of Alfvénic slow wind streams
- David V., Nature of Solar Wind Turbulence at Electron Scale
- Cazzola E., New insights into the consequences of different interplanetary conditions on the near-Hermean environment
- Boudouma A., Generation mechanism and beaming of Jovian nKOM from 3D numerical modeling of Juno/Waves observations
- Perri B., Impact of far-side structures observed by Solar Orbiter on wind simulations
- Clavier C., IRIS: a radiative transfer simulation tool for space-based GHG observation missions - Application to the Uvsq-Sat NG mission
- Passot T., Gyrofluid models for turbulence and reconnection in space plasmas
- Sieyra V., Characterising a flaring active region through data-driven MHD simulations
- Lomazzi P., Modélisation de la température de la source des vents solaires lents et rapides à l'aide d'un modèle fluide multi-espèces à 16 moments
- Xu Q., Modeling Soft X-ray emissions at the dayside magnetopause
- Thème 5 : Mécanismes d'accélération des particules et chauffage du plasma
- Bizien N., Connecting in situ measurements and solar EUV images to investigate the sources of magnetic switchbacks
- Dakeyo J.-B., Statistical Analysis of the Radial Evolution of the Solar Winds between 0.1 and 1 au, and their Semi-empirical Iso-poly Fluid Modeling
- Gannouni B., Advancing Solar Wind Microstream Modeling through 3D MHD Simulations: Unraveling Formation and Evolution Dynamics
- Collet B., Caractérisation statistiques des sources joviennes hectometriques par des mesures electrons et radio in situ
- Poirier N., About the nature of sustained kink oscillations in coronal loops: combining coronal and chromospheric diagnostics
- Paipa D., Observing delayed emissions of Interplanetary Type III bursts during the comissioning phase of Solar Orbiter
- Kieokaew R., Investigation of solar wind kinetic properties and velocity distribution function during Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter radial alignments
- Lamy L., Comparative visibility of planetary auroral radio emissions and implications for the search for exoplanets
- Mauduit E., Discovery of Jovian radio bursts related to Ganymede and the main aurora, and implications on Alfvénic electron acceleration
- Louis C., Détection et interprétation de structures fines dans des sursauts radio de la naine rouge AD Leo
- Nenon Q., Pitch Angle Distribution of MeV Electrons in the Magnetosphere of Jupiter
- Thème 4 : Transport d'énergie multi-échelles et turbulence
- Noraz Q., Impact of the Nusselt number in global models of solar turbulent convection
- Manzini D., The Cross-Scale Energy Transfer in turbulent plasmas - Insight from the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
- Fargette N., Energy transport and conversion in the heart of magnetic reconnection regions
- Dahani S., Magnetospheric MultiScale Measurements of Energy Balance in Collisionless Plasma
- Baraka M., Study of a dayside magnetopause reconnection event detected by MMS related to a large-scale solar wind perturbation and magnetospheric cold ions
- Alqeeq S., Two Classes of Equatorial Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission: A Statistical Overview
- Thème 6 : Activité éruptive ou impulsive dans les plasmas
- Klein K.-L., Spectrographic imaging of solar radio bursts with the Nancay Radioheliograph and the ORFEES spectrograph
- Chrysaphi N., The impact of the observer's position on solar radio observations
- Thème 7 : Relations Soleil-Terre et météorologie de l'espace
- Meftah M., No evidence of solar oblateness variations correlated with solar activity during cycles 24 and 25
- Blelly P.-L., Développement d'un nouveau modèle électrodynamique : Application à l'électrodynamique équatoriale
- Fontaine D., Estimates of the global magnetic flux content of the magnetosphere during magnetic storms
- Teysseyre P., VNET4IONS
- Waters J., Using novel multi-point observations to study the auroral acceleration region at substorm onset
- Woelffle A., Activités en météorologie de l'espace au MinArm
- Thème 2 : Nouvelles missions et instrumentation (sol et espace)
- Mzerguat S., Coronal Composition Measurement: A multi-instrumental analysis including Solar Orbiter/SPICE
- Rojo M., Premières mesures des moments électroniques à Mercure
- Dazzi P., Modeling of mutual impedance experiments and quasi-thermal noise spectroscopy in magnetized plasma
- Barthelemy M., Instruments optiques pour l'observation des aurores polaires
- Pallu M., The Fast Gamma ray Spectrometer (FGS): a Multi-mission Instrument to Detect TGFs and Astrophysical Gamma ray Events