Présentations orales lors du colloque du PNST 2024

Liste des présentations orales par thème



  • Thème 3 : Couplages entre enveloppes de plasma
  1. Touresse J., Parametric simulations of the propagation of solar jets: Investigating the origin of switchbacks
  2. Froment C., Thermal non-equilibrium cycles in solar coronal null points - implications for the solar wind
  3. Ballerini G., La magnétopause et la théorie des discontinuités
  4. Garnier P., Classer les facteurs d'influence des frontières plasma planétaires
  5. Michotte de Welle B., On the location of magnetic reconnection on the dayside magnetopause
  6. Benmahi B., Energy mapping of the Jupiter's auroral electrons from the Juno/UVS data
  7. Hue V., The satellite auroral footprints at Jupiter: A Juno perspective
  8. Devinat M., A self-consistent model of radial transport in the magnetodisks of gas giants including interhemispheric asymmetries


  • Thème 1 : Simulations et outils numériques
  1. Réville V., Solar sources and expansion properties of Alfvénic slow wind streams
  2. David V., Nature of Solar Wind Turbulence at Electron Scale
  3. Cazzola E., New insights into the consequences of different interplanetary conditions on the near-Hermean environment
  4. Boudouma A., Generation mechanism and beaming of Jovian nKOM from 3D numerical modeling of Juno/Waves observations
  5. Perri B., Impact of far-side structures observed by Solar Orbiter on wind simulations
  6. Clavier C., IRIS: a radiative transfer simulation tool for space-based GHG observation missions - Application to the Uvsq-Sat NG mission
  7. Passot T., Gyrofluid models for turbulence and reconnection in space plasmas
  8. Sieyra V., Characterising a flaring active region through data-driven MHD simulations
  9. Lomazzi P., Modélisation de la température de la source des vents solaires lents et rapides à l'aide d'un modèle fluide multi-espèces à 16 moments
  10. Xu Q., Modeling Soft X-ray emissions at the dayside magnetopause


  • Thème 5 : Mécanismes d'accélération des particules et chauffage du plasma
  1. Bizien N., Connecting in situ measurements and solar EUV images to investigate the sources of magnetic switchbacks
  2. Dakeyo J.-B., Statistical Analysis of the Radial Evolution of the Solar Winds between 0.1 and 1 au, and their Semi-empirical Iso-poly Fluid Modeling
  3. Gannouni B., Advancing Solar Wind Microstream Modeling through 3D MHD Simulations: Unraveling Formation and Evolution Dynamics
  4. Collet B., Caractérisation statistiques des sources joviennes hectometriques par des mesures electrons et radio in situ
  5. Poirier N., About the nature of sustained kink oscillations in coronal loops: combining coronal and chromospheric diagnostics
  6. Paipa D., Observing delayed emissions of Interplanetary Type III bursts during the comissioning phase of Solar Orbiter
  7. Kieokaew R., Investigation of solar wind kinetic properties and velocity distribution function during Parker Solar Probe and Solar Orbiter radial alignments
  8. Lamy L., Comparative visibility of planetary auroral radio emissions and implications for the search for exoplanets
  9. Mauduit E., Discovery of Jovian radio bursts related to Ganymede and the main aurora, and implications on Alfvénic electron acceleration
  10. Louis C., Détection et interprétation de structures fines dans des sursauts radio de la naine rouge AD Leo
  11. Nenon Q., Pitch Angle Distribution of MeV Electrons in the Magnetosphere of Jupiter


  • Thème 4 : Transport d'énergie multi-échelles et turbulence
  1. Noraz Q., Impact of the Nusselt number in global models of solar turbulent convection
  2. Manzini D., The Cross-Scale Energy Transfer in turbulent plasmas - Insight from the Terrestrial Magnetosheath
  3. Fargette N., Energy transport and conversion in the heart of magnetic reconnection regions
  4. Dahani S., Magnetospheric MultiScale Measurements of Energy Balance in Collisionless Plasma
  5. Baraka M., Study of a dayside magnetopause reconnection event detected by MMS related to a large-scale solar wind perturbation and magnetospheric cold ions
  6. Alqeeq S., Two Classes of Equatorial Magnetotail Dipolarization Fronts Observed by Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission: A Statistical Overview


  • Thème 6 : Activité éruptive ou impulsive dans les plasmas
  1. Klein K.-L., Spectrographic imaging of solar radio bursts with the Nancay Radioheliograph and the ORFEES spectrograph
  2. Chrysaphi N., The impact of the observer's position on solar radio observations


  • Thème 7 : Relations Soleil-Terre et météorologie de l'espace
  1. Meftah M., No evidence of solar oblateness variations correlated with solar activity during cycles 24 and 25
  2. Blelly P.-L., Développement d'un nouveau modèle électrodynamique : Application à l'électrodynamique équatoriale
  3. Fontaine D., Estimates of the global magnetic flux content of the magnetosphere during magnetic storms
  4. Teysseyre P., VNET4IONS
  5. Waters J., Using novel multi-point observations to study the auroral acceleration region at substorm onset
  6. Woelffle A., Activités en météorologie de l'espace au MinArm


  • Thème 2 : Nouvelles missions et instrumentation (sol et espace)
  1. Mzerguat S., Coronal Composition Measurement: A multi-instrumental analysis including Solar Orbiter/SPICE
  2. Rojo M., Premières mesures des moments électroniques à Mercure
  3. Dazzi P., Modeling of mutual impedance experiments and quasi-thermal noise spectroscopy in magnetized plasma
  4. Barthelemy M., Instruments optiques pour l'observation des aurores polaires
  5. Pallu M., The Fast Gamma ray Spectrometer (FGS): a Multi-mission Instrument to Detect TGFs and Astrophysical Gamma ray Events