Call for abstracts for European Space Weather Week 2024, WR-02 parallel session on Coronal Mass Ejections, Shock Waves and Energetic Particles

Annonce transmise par Simon Thomas (IRAP)


Dear all,


The call for abstracts for European Space Weather Week 2024 (ESWW24) is now open & we are inviting contributions to the SWR-02 parallel session on Coronal Mass Ejections, Shock Waves and Energetic Particles. ESWW24 will this year be held in Coimbra, Portugal between the 4th and 8th November. Details about the conference can be found here ( and about session SWR-02 including an abstract here (


To submit an abstract to SWR-02 or other sessions, follow this link: The call is open now and closed for oral presentation submissions on 6th June and for poster presentations in September.


We look forward to hearing your proposed presentations at ESWW24 later this year!


All the best,
Simon Thomas, Steph Yardley & Laura Rodriguez-Garcia


Session Abstract:

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are large explosions of plasma and magnetic field from the Sun which propagate out through the heliosphere. Magnetic reconnection processes during solar flares and shock waves driven by the largest CMEs can accelerate solar energetic particles (SEPs) to very high energies. These are then rapidly transported through the solar wind and can impact Earth providing a significant radiation hazard on top of the background galactic cosmic ray flux. A combination of CMEs and SEPs pose substantial threats if Earth-directed, affecting the power-grid, transport and pipelines through ground-induced currents, radar and global navigation systems, and radiation hazards to spacecraft and astronauts. Recently, efforts have been made to understand, model and forecast the transport of CMEs and energetic particles through the heliosphere and their impacts when they arrive at Earth and other planets. These advances have been rapid since the launches of Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe, two new spacecraft which provide data from close to the Sun. Together with existing missions at L1 and from other vantage points such as STEREO and new planetary missions detecting energetic particles including BepiColombo and JUICE, we now have a constellation of spacecraft which allows us to better understand the inner heliosphere, advance space weather research, and enhance our ability to forecast CMEs and energetic particles.


This session will provide an opportunity to share and discuss recent advances in both observations and modelling of these space weather events and their impacts, and to initiate collaborations between researchers and industry