SPC, SSAC, Working Groups and Scientific Community invitation to ESA Directorate of Science Townhall, May 28, 2024

Annonce transmise par Matthieu Kretzschmar (LPC2E)


Dear Colleague,
It is my pleasure to invite you to the first ESA Directorate of Science Townhall, to be held virtually on 28 May, from 9:30 to 12:30 CEST.
The townhall will offer the opportunity for direct exchange between the Directorate's executive and the broader scientific community, including current and future users of ESA's missions. It will allow to introduce the long-term vision of ESA's Science programme and provide a channel to listen to the views, ambitions, and requests from the scientific community
To do so, the townhall will provide an introduction to ESA's Science Programme, which is co-developed in a bottom-up approach from within the member states. This will be followed by discussions of the advisory structure of the Directorate, the status of the Cosmic Vision programme, including LISA and NewAthena, and the status of and plans for Voyage 2050. We will further discuss ways in which community members of different career levels can benefit from and engage with the Science Programme, with ample time for Q&A and feedback from the community with myself, my leadership team, and key members of the advisory structure.
The event will be held fully online to ensure maximum accessibility. More information, including a possibility to register, will follow in the next weeks.
I would appreciate if you could circulate this save the date announcement widely to interested colleagues.
Yours sincerely,
Professor Carole Mundell
Director of Science, European Space Agency
and Head of the European Space Astronomy Centre, Madrid.