SCIentific worQshLOP - Juin 12-13 2024, Jussieu - registration open

Annonce transmise par Nicolas Aunai (LPP)


SciQLOP's ecosystem (sciqlop, speasy, tscat) gathers tools made at CDPP to ease the exploration and analysis of in situ spacecraft data.
We are happy to organize the first SCIentific worQshLOP around the usage these tools, on June 12,13 2024 in Jussieu, Paris.
Preliminary program can be found here:

The registration to the meeting is now open.

As we have room for a good 30 persons, it is possible that we cannot welcome everyone, depending on the success of this advertisment...

In that case, we will probably prioritize students, postdocs.

In any case, registration form is here:

Thanks and see you soon,
Nicolas Aunai and Alexis Jeandet