Oxford Plasma Theory Group welcomes applications for DPhil studies and research in plasma physics in the areas of magnetic confinement fusion and plasma astrophysics

Annonce transmise par Fouad Sahraoui (LPP)


Note that the project descriptions given below are not set in stone and we are willing to discuss modifications and adjustments to them that might better reflect your interests and inclinations.



 Size of intake: this depends on various hard-to-predict circumstances, in particular funding arrangements; we accepted 2 fully funded students in 2015, 4 in 2016, 3 in 2017, 3 in 2018, 1 in 2019, 3 in 2020, 2 in 2021, 1 in 2022, and 4 in 2023; we expect to take at least 3 in 2024.

    If you are interested in MCF (either theoretical or experimental) or generally in plasma physics, apply for a DPhil in Theoretical Physics. Note that Theoretical Physics has three separate DPhil competitions: in particle theory, condensed matter and plasma physics. If you are willing to be considered for more than one of these topics, please state so explicitly in your application form.
    If you are interested in laboratory astrophysics (projects with Dr Bott or Prof Gregori), you may also apply for a DPhil in Atomic & Laser Physics.
    If you are interested in plasma astrophysics, apply for a DPhil in Astrophysics. In order to be considered by both subdepartments (Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics) you may also apply for a DPhil in Theoretical Physics (indicating plasma physics as your preferred area) or, if you make a single application to either of the two degrees, indicate clearly at the front of your application form that you wish to be considered by both subdepartments. This will help us identify your application more quickly and consider you for all available projects and funding options across plasma physics. This is also a good strategy if you are generally interested in plasma physics and are flexible between its different areas.
    Internal Oxford scholarships: there are a number of scholarships in physics available at Oxford and its colleges. In order to be considered for a scholarship funded by a particular college, you do not need to select that college as your college of first choice. There is one (known to us) exception to this principle: if you are studying at a Swiss university, apply to Lincoln College to be eligible for a Berrow Foundation Scholarship. If you are from India (or certain other developing countries), make sure to indicate on your application that you wish to be considered for a Felix Scholarship.
    Choice of college: you may apply to any college that accepts graduate applicants in Physics. Choice of college can prove important for your life as a graduate student: different colleges offer different levels of support in terms of research funds, accommodation, social integration etc. We therefore recommend that you do not leave the college choice blank, but do some research on which college suits you best. We are happy to give informal advice on the matter. Here is the list of colleges where faculty members offering plasma projects are Fellows: Merton (A. Schekochihin), LMH (G. Gregori), Trinity (A. Bott), Univ (M. Barnes and P. Norreys).
    If you are considering applying for an external scholarship and require our endorsement, in the first instance please contact the supervisor with whom you are most interested in working. Note the opportunities for Commonwealth Scholarships.
    You are welcome to address inquiries on science to any of the project supervisors listed below and on the logistical aspects of applying to Dr Derek Hollman (but do please check first if your question is perhaps already answered here).
    All graduate students in plasma physics have access to graduate-level courses taught with the Oxford Master Course in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics (to which you can also apply as a stand-alone MSc degree) and the Oxford-Warwick-Imperial Centre for Postgraduate Training in Plasma Physics and High Energy Density Science.