High Performance Computing postdoc position in Astrophysics or Plasma Physics

Annonce transmise par Sacha Brun (CEA/AIM)


The Department of Astrophysics of CEA Paris-Saclay, 15 km south of Paris, is strongly investing in Computational Astrophysics, with the objective of developing new state-of-the art mutli-scales astrophysics simulations on novel hybrid CPU/GPU architectures to achieve Exascale performance and beyond.


For this purpose, we seek to hire an High-Performance Computing expert for 24 months to help us develop the Dyablo framework (an Adaptative Mesh Refinement C++ plateform based on the Kokkos multi-architectures librairie) to achieve this goal. This position is part of a nation-wide effort called PEPR ORIGINS (https://www.cnrs.fr/en/pepr/pepr-exploratoire-origins-vie-et-univers) such that the candidate will be an active member of an ambitious research program in astrophysics.


On top of helping the existing Dyablo team members (composed of 6 members) at improving the performance and user-friendliness of the Dyablo plateform,  several physical ingredient modules should be implemented depending on the expertise of the candidate such as radiative transfer or magneto-hydrodynamics or dust and anisotropic diffusion to cite only a few.


The HPC expert will also contribute to the scientific activities allowed by the successful implementation of these new modules such as the study of the circumstellar envelopes, dynamics of protoplanetary discs and/or star-planet magnetospheric interactions…


The successful candidate should have experience in developments for HPC  with either a proven work experience and an engineer/master2 diploma or ideally a Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Physics, Applied mathematics or Computational Science in relation to the project.


By December 31st 2023, enthusiastic candidates should send to patrick.hennebelle@cea.fr <mailto:patrick.hennebelle@cea.fr> :
i) a CV including either a publication list or detailed work experience
ii) Two contact references that can acknowledge the experience of the candidate


The job advertisement will remain open until a candidate is found.


CEA is an equal opportunity employer and the successful candidate will have access to benefits and dedicated travel funds
to participate to domestic or international conferences and to collaborate with other teams involved in PEPR Origins and HPC world-wide.