Presentations of the HEWG meeting in Tivoli and new position announcement for SERENA
Annonce transmise par Dominique Delcourt (LPC2E)
Dear all
The 6th SERENA-HEWG meeting was a really interesting occasion to meet and discussing together.
Thank you to the speakers!
I am sorry for people that could not attend personally, especially since the web connection was not optimal.
Anyway, I would like to inform you that almost all the presentations of the HEWG days are available at the HEWG livelink.
I would like to publicise a new position for working with SERENA ion sensors.
Data analysis and laboratory tests for the characterization of the ion sensors of the BepiColombo/SERENA experiment
The SERENA experiment includes four different sensors (MIPA and PICAM ion sensors, ELENA energetic neutral atom detector and STROFIO mass spectrometer) plus a System Control Unit (SCU). During the cruise phase that will last up to 2026, only the ion sensors can perform scientific operations. Important activities to be done in this phase are:
- laboratory activities for intercalibrations between the two ion sensors and check the System Control Unit performances. The spare and demonstration models available on ground, will be used for laboratory measurements to reproduce the flight observations.
- development of tools for data analysis, and optimization of the scientific product definition pf the two SERENA ion sensors, PICAM and MIPA, for maximizing the scientific results during the whole mission (cruise and nominal phases);
one year with possible extension for other years
deadline for application is June 23, 2023
the call can be found in the IAPS page
Refer to for further information
Kind Regards