Call for contributed Abstracts for 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics

Annonce transmise par Thierry Passot (OCA)


Dear colleagues,

First of all, best wishes for 2023, with a lot of exciting news in plasma physics during the last months.
We will be pleased and eagered to welcome you in Bordeaux next summer for the first in-person EPS plasma conference since the pandemy.
The final website is now open for submission of contributed abstracts for the 49th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics:
Abstracts will be collected until February, 24th through the abstracts submission and registration portal :

You will have to create an account at your first login.
You may also find informations about the Plenary and Invited Talks, the Venue at Bordeaux Congress Center as well as the Gala Dinner at Chateau Lafitte ( ).
We encourage you to book your accomodations well in advance, viewing the crowded agenda in Bordeaux beginning af July 2023, including Tour de France stage arrival the last day of the conference (or Depeche Mode at Stadium, if you wish).
On behalf of the LOC and scientific committees,
Alexis CASNER and Sebastien Lepape