HDR Defence, Antoine Strugarek

Annonce transmise par Antoine Strugarek (AIM)


Thursday the 17th of February 2022, 1pm CET.
Title : Magnetism in stellar systems
Abstract : Magnetic fields are ubiquitous in stellar systems. At these scales, the magnetic field is generally sustained by dynamo action within stars. It sculpts the asterosphere surrounding them and shields the planets orbiting the star from cosmic radiation. Magnetic fields are at the origin of cyclic and eruptive activities of stars, and are the reason why they spin down as they age. Magnetic fields can also lead to a bi-directional connection between stars and close-in exoplanets. Such exoplanets may harbour a magnetic field themselves, which remain to be detected. I will review first our current knowledge on the properties of the magnetism of stars using the Sun as a Rosetta Stone. I will discuss our understanding of the dynamo processes within Sun-like stars along their secular evolution. I will review the implications of these properties on the structuring of the environment of solar-type stars as well as their eruptivity. I will finally present recent results on the observable effects of star-planet magnetic interactions. I will conclude by reviewing the research paths I find the most promising to better understand magnetism within stars, planets, and star-planet systems.
Zoom link: https://u-paris.zoom.us/j/84967593708?pwd=aHJEb0x1U25nTEpIU3ViOVNrSUltZz09