Workshop on Astrophysics with High Power Lasers and Laboratory Plasmas

Annonce transmise par Etienne Pariat (LPP)


Dear Colleagues,


We are pleased to announce that the registration and abstract submission for the "Astrophysics with High Power Lasers and Laboratory Plasmas Workshop" is now open.

The workshop will take place on the 15th and 16th of December 2021 at Sorbonne Université, on the Campus Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris.


The workshop will gather astrophysicists and plasma physicists from the French research community. The aim is to promote interdisciplinary interactions and discussions around current topics of interest in space and astrophysics research, where laboratory experiments can help bring unique insights. The workshop will also be the platform to promote the preparation of a white paper on the same topic.


For practical information, details of the programme, list of invited speakers, and how to register follow this link


Registration and abstract submission deadline 15 November 2021

Best regards,

Andrea Ciardi, on behalf of the SOC