New Research Topic on "Sources and Propagation of Ultra-Low Frequency Waves in Planetary Magnetospheres" in Frontiers
Annonce transmise par Lucile Turc (Univ of Helsinki)
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that a new Research Topic titled "Sources and Propagation of Ultra-Low Frequency Waves in Planetary Magnetospheres" is now open for submissions to the Space Physics sections of the journals Frontiers in Physics and Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. ULF waves are ubiquitous in plasma environments in our solar system, and this Research Topic will cover the broad spectrum of ULF wave physics, from their sources to their interaction with the surrounding particle populations. We hope that you will consider submitting a manuscript.
This Research Topic aims at gathering publications presenting recent advances in ULF wave physics in our solar system, including for example:
- detailed case studies of all types of ULF waves, such as Kelvin-Helmholtz waves, mirror modes, foreshock waves, field-line resonances, at Earth and other planets.
- statistical studies of ULF waves and their relationship with upstream conditions
- investigations of ULF wave transmission across different plasma regions, using for example multi-spacecraft data analysis and/or global simulations
- investigations of the impact of ULF waves on the surrounding plasma and their contribution to radiation belt dynamics
- comparative studies of ULF waves in different environments in our solar system
In addition to original research, we also invite reviews and perspectives addressing these topics.
Research Topic Editors:
Lucile Turc, University of Helsinki, Finland
Kazue Takahashi, John Hopkins University, United States
Jasmine K. Sandhu, Northumbria University, United Kingdom
Martin Volwerk, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
For more information, please visit:
Looking forward to your participation!