17th European Space Weather Week 2021 - Final reminder

Annonce transmise par Jean Lilensten (IPAG)


It is with great pleasure to provide you with a FINAL REMINDER that the calls for abstracts for both plenary and parallel sessions as well as for proposals for Topical Discussion Meetings (TDMs) are OPEN with a DEADLINE of 9th July 2021 for all three cases!


In line with the LOC and both Scottish and UK Government Guidance, we are still planning on a fully hybrid meeting from Glasgow, Scotland, UK, and over the Zoom platform (i.e. in-person attendance in Glasgow as well as online attendance).


All updates are being provided on the ESWW2021/ESWW17 website:  http://esww17.iopconfs.org/.  For the above-noted submissions, please use the drop-down menu from "Submissions" at the top.  For updates on the logistics of the meeting, please use the options from the "Location" drop-down menu paying special attention to the "Travel" option.


We intend on opening both on-site and remote registrations on 7th July 2021 – please see: http://esww17.iopconfs.org/registration for further information in due course.

The PC and LOC very much look forward to welcoming you to Glasgow – either in-person or virtually – 25-29 October 2021.