Session EPSC: "Environments of outer planet moons: particles and fields"

Annonce transmise par Ronan Modolo (LATMOS) concernant une session sur les environnements des planètes gazeuses et de leurs lunes au meeting EPSC


Session EPSC: "Environments of outer planet moons: particles and fields"

Dear colleagues

We welcome abstracts to the EPSC2021 session on "Environments of outer planet moons: particles and fields"
Dates: 13 - 24 September 2021, online
Abstract submission deadline: 26 May 13:00 CEST

This session focuses on the environments of outer planet moons: their atmospheres, ionospheres, plumes, aurora, magnetic fields, magnetospheric environments and moon-magnetosphere interactions. Abstracts on all outer planet moons are welcome, including the moons of Saturn and Jupiter (e.g. Enceladus, Titan, Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto) and the less explored moons of Uranus and Neptune (e.g. Oberon and Triton).

Suggested topics include but are not limited to: atmospheric/ionospheric structures and compositions, plume detections and simulations, surface charging, auroral radio emissions, moon-magnetosphere interaction (e.g. wave-particle processes, particle acceleration, MHD turbulence), variability in the field and particle environments of the moons, opportunities and limitations of future JUICE and Europa Clipper measurements.

We welcome abstracts addressing the environments of outer planet moons from all disciplines, including in-situ and remote sensing data analysis, modeling and simulation results, ground-based observations and Earth-orbit-based observations. Studies based on results from past and current missions, such as Voyager, Galileo, Cassini-Huygens, Hisaki, and Juno, as well as studies in preparation for future missions such as JUICE and Europa Clipper are all relevant to this session.

Please help us spread the word about this session by forwarding this message to your colleagues and in particular to any early career researcher in your network that is working on a relevant topic.

Kind regards,
Mika Holmberg, Hans Huybrighs, Ali Sulaiman, Ronan Modolo, Aljona Blöcker, and Oleg Shebanits