Conference Announcement - Solar Influence on the Atmosphere and Climate
Annonce tranmise par Luc Damé (LATMOS)
Veuillez noter qu'une session de la Virtual IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly (21-27 août 2021) concerne les relations Soleil-Terre et pourrait vous intéresser :
Session 2.2 - Solar Influence on the Atmosphere and Climate
Convener: Christoph Jacobi (
Co-Conveners: Nicholas Pedatella ( - Luc Damé (
Solar influence on climate keeps attracting much interest presently. This includes in particular the role of the Sun both in the past climate as in future climate variability as an important aspect. State-of the art climate models include a well resolved stratosphere and mesosphere. This allows the prediction of global climate and its changes, taking into account expected solar related variability at short to long time scales.
In the middle and upper atmosphere solar related electromagnetic and particle variability is one dominant forcing mechanism for atmospheric variability at time scales from days to decades. From available datasets it is not always straightforward to distinguish between solar and meteorological influences. Time series are often too short to clearly identify, e.g., the 11- and 22- year solar cycles in the presence of nonlinear trends owing to lower atmospheric variability. The effect of planetary waves at time scales of days to weeks is difficult to extract from time series in the presence of the solar rotation effect and harmonics.
Results from observations, including observation and modeling solar forcing, theoretical work and modeling efforts to quantify meteorological and solar effects on the lower, middle, and upper atmosphere are welcome. Reports on progress in reconstructing past climate and future climate projections and the role of extraterrestrial forcing in these are desired.
Abstract Submission: January 15 to April 15, 2021
Early bird registration: January 15 to June 30, 2021
For abstract submission, registration, and more information visit the meeting website Session descriptions and other details: