Special Collection on "Solar Wind: Origin, Acceleration, and Outflow"

Annonce transmise par Alexis Rouillard (IRAP)


Dear colleagues and friends,

A new special collection for "Solar Wind: Origin, Acceleration, and Outflow", is now open in Space Weather, JGR Space Physics, and Geophysical Research Letters. The Call for Papers was posted here. The conditions for submission, review and publication are the same as standard publications in these journals, but the papers will be collected so that it will be easy to find all papers on this topic. The papers are published as soon as they are ready, without waiting for other publications of the collection. Do not hesitate to diffuse this information to any interested colleague.
Solar Wind: Origin, Acceleration, and Outflow

Submission deadline: Wednesday, 31 December 2025

On the occasion of the 50 years since launch of Helios 1 and Helios 2, we propose a special collection related to the solar wind, its origin, evolution, and space weather related effects. Recent missions like the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SolO), as well as established ones such as the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatories (STEREOs), offer extensive new measurements that help to refine existing knowledge of slow and fast solar wind in the heliosphere and the development of new models.

We welcome submissions that address different solar wind topics which can include, but not limited to: the mechanisms of solar wind acceleration and outflow, generation and transport of turbulence, dynamics of stream interactions, the configuration of the magnetic field and plasma topology at the source surface and within the inner heliosphere.

Special Collection Organizers:

Viviane Pierrard
Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy,

Alexis Rouillard
IRAP Institute of Research in Astrophysics and Planetology,

Keywords: Solar wind; Plasma acceleration; Radial evolution; Heliosphere; Solar outflows; Dynamics of stream interaction; Configuration of solar magnetic field; Plasma topology at the source surface; Solar eruptions; Solar energetic particle events; Space weather effects; Slow and fast winds.