EPS - Plasma Physics Division PhD Research Award

Annonce transmise par Bertrand Lembège (LATMOS)


The PhD Research Award of the Plasma Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS), which has been created in 2005, will again be awarded in 2023.

As an active researcher in plasma physics, you might be aware of PhD work of exceptional quality in plasma physics in an EPS member state.

In this case, I would like to invite you to make a nomination for one of the maximum of four prizes available.

An Independent Scientific Jury nominated by the Board of the Plasma Physics Division expects to receive only a small number of truly outstanding candidates.

The decision will be made in March 2023.

The downloadable instructions must be strictly followed for a nomination to be registered.

The required supporting documentation includes a nomination form.

Candidatures should be sent electronically to the email:


For more information on the award and instructions for nominations, please have a look at:


The nomination deadline is 2 December 2022. Self-nominations will not be accepted.