Annonce conférence Space Climate 7

******************* First Announcement *******************

Dear Colleagues and Friends!

We have the great pleasure to invite You to

        Space Climate 7

to be held at Auberge Estrimont, Canton Orford, in the mountains east of Montreal, in Quebec, Canada, on July 8-11, 2019, just before the IAGA meeting (during early IUGG) in Montreal.

Details on venue, registration, scientific program and accommodation is available at the meeting website
For questions related to the meeting, send an email to

Please note that the number of attendees will be limited to 120 because of the meeting venue.

Welcome to Space Climate 7 in Orford !

Sincerely Yours,

Paul Charbonneau (LOC chair)
Cassandra Bolduc (LOC vice-chair)

Kalevi Mursula (SOC chair)
Ilya Usoskin (SOC vice-chair)

Kalevi Mursula
Prof. (space physics)
Head of ReSoLVE Center of Excellence
Head of Space Climate Research Unit
90014 University of Oulu
Tel. +358-400-688365
Skype: kmursula