Space Weather School/PRESTO final workshop

Annonce transmise par Carine Briand (LESIA)


I am pleased to inform you that our colleagues at Mackenzie University in São Paulo in conjunction with the PRESTO leadership will hold a Space Weather School (November, 11-15) and the final PRESTO workshop (November, 18-22)  at Mackenzie University.  
Grant Availability:

We are pleased to offer grants to cover student travel expenses for the school/workshop, as well as daily allowances for accommodation and meals. This support is available for eligible student participants.
Poster Presentations:

Participants are also invited to present their own research in the form of contributed talk or posters. This is a good opportunity to showcase your work, receive feedback, and engage in discussions with experts and peers in the field.
Please encourage people who have been doing PRESTO-related research to participate.  There is NO registration fee.
Information about hotels and travel will be provided in the near future.
Important dates:

Abstract submission:         1st September to 15th October
Registration:                         1st September to 31st October (free)
Grant application:               1st September to 30th of September
Don't miss this opportunity to advance your research and network with peers and professionals in the field.
For more details and registration, please visit:
Ramon Lopez