Announcement to IAUS#374 "Astronomical Hazards for Life on Earth"

Annonce transmise par Frédéric Pitout (IRAP)


Dear IAU-Div. F members


I'm contacting you on behalf of the SOC of the International Astronomical Union General Assembly Symposium #374: Astronomical Hazards for Life on Earth.


The Symposium will be part of the scientific events of the XXXIst General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, to be held in Busan, Rep. of Korea. The GA will go from August 2 to 11, 2022 in a hybrid format, with in person and virtual talks.
The IAU Symposium #374 will take part in the second week of the GA, from Aug. 9 to 11.


More information about the Symposium can be found at:


and about the GA at:


As you may see in the description of the Symposium, we plan to cover all potential hazards caused by astronomical phenomena. Those hazards are connected to many astronomical objects, like: asteroids, comets, the Sun, nearby stars, supernovae, cosmic rays and the fate of the Universe.
In addition, we will also tackle the social, cultural and philosophical aspects of the end of life.


To achieve these objectives, we would like to gather a truly multi- and cross-disciplinary set of experts, including astronomers, geologists, paleontologists, space technicians, philosophers and media persons, who will present the latest knowledge on those topics and address this central question for humanity.


We invite you to present a contributed talk on any of the subjects of the Symposium. The contributed talks will last for 10+3 min.


Since the topic of the Symposium is very broad, please, feel free to redistribute this announcement to any other colleague that may be interested in the topic.


As a participant, you have to submit your abstract and register through the GA website.
You have the information of deadlines and registration fee at the GA webpage.


Please, feel free to ask me any questions about the meeting.


On behalf the SOC of IAUS#374
Gonzalo Tancredi