3-year positions in solar-physics at Stanford
Submitted by mchane-y on Tue, 09/03/2021 - 17:14
Annonce transmise par Guillaume Aulanier (LESIA et LPP)
The Solar Observatories Group at Stanford University invites applications for postdoctoral and research positions at the Hansen Experimental Physics Laboratory. Research will focus on analysis of observations made by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), including magnetograms, Dopplergrams, and vector magnetic field, as well as data from other solar instruments. Modelers whose research supports such data analysis or data improvements are also welcome to apply. You will work with HMI science-team members to investigate the structure and dynamics of the Sun’s magnetic field, the Sun’s interior structure, and flow fields, in support of the goals of the NASA-sponsored SDO/HMI investigation. Information about the HMI project can be found at http://hmi.stanford.edu.
These will be 3-year fixed-term positions with a possibility for extension based on performance and the availability of funding. Applications received by May 15, 2021 will be given immediate consideration.
Link for Post-doctoral position application:
Link for Research Scientist position: