Europlanet/VESPA call for data services
Submitted by mchane-y on Mon, 17/02/2020 - 13:06
Annonce transmise par Nicolas André (IRAP)
We would like to draw your attention to the VESPA call for data services 2020.
VESPA is an activity in the new Europlanet-2024 programme, an EC-funded project aimed at making Planetary Science data available to the scientific community in the framework of the Virtual Observatory. Between 4 and 5 projects are selected through yearly calls to enlarge the data content accessible via the VESPA portal (
A common workshop is then organized with the selected participants to help them design and set up their project, and to open it to the users community.
We invite you to submit an application to the call which text is copied below. Selected teams receive an invitation for 2 persons for the 4-days workshop (this year in Toulouse, France).
VESPA / Call for data services 2020
Scope of call:
The aim of the VESPA activity in the Europlanet2024-RI programme is to make Planetary Science and Solar System data accessible and searchable through a system derived from the Astronomical Virtual Observatory. Currently 54 databases are available from the VESPA portal and 30 to 50 more are expected to be made available on-line during the 4-year Europlanet2024-RI programme.
Key dates:
- Call opens: 17 January 2020
- Call closes: 28 February 2020
- Selection telecon: March 4th, 2020
- Selection of teams by March 6th, 2020
- Telecons with selected teams from March 9 to 20, 2020
- Workshop: 30 March 2020 to 03 April 2020 at IRAP, Toulouse, France
- Post-workshop telecon, May 2020
- Finalization review performed with the proposers, June 2020
- Service delivery date: June 2020
For further information, requirements, etc, visit: