Session PSP à l'EGU abstract deadline: 15 January 2020
Submitted by mchane-y on Thu, 09/01/2020 - 15:32
Annonce transmise par Alexis Rouillard (IRAP)
Abstract deadline: 15 January 2020
Exploring the near-Sun environment – Results from the first orbits of Parker Solar Probe and preparation for Solar Orbiter
Convener: Volker Bothmer | Co-conveners: Olga Malandraki, Nour Raouafi, Alexis Rouillard, Marco Velli
The Sun's corona is the birthplace of the solar wind, coronal mass ejections, associated shock waves and solar energetic particles which all are fundamental drivers of space weather. The key physical processes at the origin of these phenomena, i.e. the heating and acceleration of the coronal plasma and energetic particles, have not been clarified to date. By EGU 2020 Parker Solar Probe (PSP) will have completed the fourth of its 24 scheduled orbits around the Sun. The first three orbits have the same perihelia of 35.6 solar radii, while it will move as close as 27.8 solar radii to the Sun during the fourth and fifth orbits. PSP is providing a treasure trove worth of in-situ and remote sensing data. The data from the first two orbits, that become public on November 12, 2019, have already revealed phenomena never seen before. Solar Orbiter (SO) is scheduled to launch in February 2020. The in-situ instruments will become fully operational by May 2020. The remote sensing instruments will be switched on later. Combining the PSP observations with data from SO, with remote sensing observations from SDO, STEREO and Proba2, with other in-situ data, e.g., from ACE and DSCOVR, with ground-based observations and with theoretical models will be a challenging and exciting task. This session invites oral and poster contributions on all aspects of research addressed to the exploration of our near-Sun environment, with special focus on the new observations from PSP and topics related to the latest status of the SO mission.
Convener: Volker Bothmer | Co-conveners: Olga Malandraki, Nour Raouafi, Alexis Rouillard, Marco Velli
The Sun's corona is the birthplace of the solar wind, coronal mass ejections, associated shock waves and solar energetic particles which all are fundamental drivers of space weather. The key physical processes at the origin of these phenomena, i.e. the heating and acceleration of the coronal plasma and energetic particles, have not been clarified to date. By EGU 2020 Parker Solar Probe (PSP) will have completed the fourth of its 24 scheduled orbits around the Sun. The first three orbits have the same perihelia of 35.6 solar radii, while it will move as close as 27.8 solar radii to the Sun during the fourth and fifth orbits. PSP is providing a treasure trove worth of in-situ and remote sensing data. The data from the first two orbits, that become public on November 12, 2019, have already revealed phenomena never seen before. Solar Orbiter (SO) is scheduled to launch in February 2020. The in-situ instruments will become fully operational by May 2020. The remote sensing instruments will be switched on later. Combining the PSP observations with data from SO, with remote sensing observations from SDO, STEREO and Proba2, with other in-situ data, e.g., from ACE and DSCOVR, with ground-based observations and with theoretical models will be a challenging and exciting task. This session invites oral and poster contributions on all aspects of research addressed to the exploration of our near-Sun environment, with special focus on the new observations from PSP and topics related to the latest status of the SO mission.