PhD position open at CNRS in space plasma

Annonce transmise par Pierre Henri (Lagrange)


A PhD position is open at CNRS in instrumental space plasma physics, under joint supervision between two laboratories: LPC2E, Orléans, France and LAPLACE, Toulouse, France, to directly contribute to various planetary exploration space missions (including BepiColombo, JUICE and M-MATISSE).

The goal of the PhD research project is two-fold:

(i) contribute to the space exploration of Mercury and Jupiter and its icy moons by preparing and/or contributing to the scientific exploitation of electric instruments that carry out plasma diagnostics (e.g. density and temperature) on board the BepiColombo and JUICE space missions;

(ii) contribute to the development of an instrument combining different in situ diagnostic methods for space plasmas density and temperature, based on the use of electrical sensors, for future space missions, such as e.g. M-MATISSE at Mars.

The PhD student will use complementary methodology based on (i) advanced numerical modeling to develop instrumental models, (ii) space data analysis from planetary exploration missions, (iii) laboratory experiments, using a plasma chamber that reproduces space plasma conditions.

Prerequisites: applicants should have an outstanding CV background in plasma physics, space physics and/or astrophysics. They are also expected to possess a good working knowledge of data analysis and/or numerical development.

Applications (including a CV, a cover letter, and the contact information of two references) should be made through the CNRS portal: Full details on the position are available at this address. Deadline for applications: Nov 4th 2024

Contact information: Pierre HENRI (