Additional IAU Commission E3 (Solar Impact Throughout the Heliosphere) Organizing Committee Elections

Annonce transmise par Ludwig Klein (LESIA)


Dear Members of the IAU E3 Commission,

My name is Masumi Shimojo and I was elected President of the E3 Commission at the last IAU General Assembly. My term as President will last until the next IAU General Assembly in August 2027. I thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.

First of all, I must inform you of the shortage of members of our Organizing Committee (OC). Unfortunately, there were not enough candidates for the OC in the last election held earlier this year. In addition, Prof. Weiqun Gan resigned from our OC (Thank you for your help, Weiqun!). So we are short of three members. The term of an OC member is about 6 years (two IAU General Assemblies), and most of the current members will retire at the next General Assembly. The situation is inconvenient for the continuity of the work of the Committee.

The shortage is not only for our Commission, the other some Commissions have the same problem. Considering the situation, the IAU has proposed to us to hold the additional elections to these Commissions and I have accepted their proposal as President. Therefore, I ask all of you to do the following.

1. If you want to help and activate the activity of the Commission, please stand as a candidate.
The application form for candidates is

2. When you receive the ballot, please consider voting for the future of our Commission.

Thank you in advance for your kind consideration.


Masumi Shimojo, as President of the E3 Commission, IAU

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