Soutenance de HDR de Nicolas Aunai

Annonce transmise par Nicolas Aunai (LPP)


Date : Lundi 28 novembre 2022


Lieu : Ecole polytechnique, Amphi Poisson,


Horaire : 10h37


Titre : Studying magnetic reconnection via modeling and observations in the Earth magnetosphere


Résumé :  Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental plasma process that can explosively release magnetic energy into heated and accelerated plasma flows. In our solar system, magnetic reconnection is key at all steps of the chain of events linking the Sun to the planets, from the solar corona to the magnetospheres. In these collisionless environments, magnetic reconnection is a truly multiscale process. Enabled by electron kinetic effects, its dynamics is controlled at the ion scale, and its consequences can be critical regarding the global evolution of the system it occurs in. Here, we will explore these effects in the light of the work I have performed and been involved in over the last decade. We will start at the dawn of the now successful NASA/Magnetospheric MultiScale mission, trying to highlight the key regions where electrons stop behaving as a fluid and determine the key effects enabling reconnection in general asymmetric systems. We will make a stop at the ion scale, discussing the effects that are important to model the current sheet before and during reconnection. Finally these results will allow us to embark for a journey towards global scales and I will give an overview of recent attempts to improve our capabilities in large scale kinetic modeling and statistical analysis of in situ spacecraft measurements.

Jury :

- Aurélie Marchaudon, IRAP (rapportrice)
- Christian Jacquey, IRAP (rapporteur)
- Philippe Louarn, IRAP (rapporteur)
- Frédéric Baudin, IAS
- Carine Briand, LESIA
- Ronan Modolo, LATMOS

La soutenance sera suivie d'un pot où tout le monde est chaleureusement invité


Note de bas de page :
- La soutenance se tiendra en présentiel et il n'y a pas de lien de visio-conférence pour l'audience.
- La présentation sera en français, et les slides en anglais.