Session EGU sur les ondes ULF dans la magnétosphère
Submitted by mchane-y on Tue, 03/12/2019 - 16:42
Annonce transmise par Lucile Turc (Univ. Helsinki) :
Chers collègues,
Je voudrais attirer votre attention sur la session ST2.9 sur les ondes ULF dans les magnétosphères terrestre et planétaire qui sera au programme de la prochaine assemblée générale de l'EGU, et vous encourager à y participer. La prochaine édition de l'EGU aura lieu du 3 au 8 mai 2020 et la date limite pour envoyer un résumé est le 15 janvier 2020 à 13:00 CET.
Session: ST2.9 | Generation and propagation of ultra-low frequency waves in near-Earth space and other planetary magnetospheres
Description de la session:
Ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves permeate all regions of near-Earth space, from the foreshock, extending upstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock, through the magnetosheath, to the inner magnetosphere. They play a fundamental role in the transfer of electromagnetic energy from the solar wind to the magnetosphere, in the acceleration and loss of trapped particles in the inner magnetosphere, and contribute to magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. ULF waves are also observed in all planetary environments in our solar system, from Mercury to the giant planets, and even in Ganymede's mini-magnetosphere. Among the outstanding questions in the study of magnetospheric ULF waves is the nature of their generation and how it affects features of wave-particle interactions. At Earth, the upstream solar wind conditions are known to affect strongly the generation of ULF waves, either through the direct transmission of upstream fluctuations, or in creating favourable conditions for the waves to develop. For example, high solar wind speeds are conducive to the development of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at the magnetopause.
In this session, we welcome contributions focusing on the generation mechanisms (internal and/or external) and the propagation of ULF waves in near-Earth space and at other planets, based on spacecraft and ground-based observations, numerical simulations, theoretical studies, and any combination thereof. ULF waves include for example (but are not limited to) foreshock waves, magnetosheath waves, such as mirror modes or Alfvén-ion cyclotron waves, Kelvin-Helmholtz and surface waves at the magnetopause, and field-line resonances. Presentations investigating the effects of ULF waves on their environment are also encouraged.
Session: ST2.9 | Generation and propagation of ultra-low frequency waves in near-Earth space and other planetary magnetospheres
Description de la session:
Ultra-low frequency (ULF) waves permeate all regions of near-Earth space, from the foreshock, extending upstream of the quasi-parallel bow shock, through the magnetosheath, to the inner magnetosphere. They play a fundamental role in the transfer of electromagnetic energy from the solar wind to the magnetosphere, in the acceleration and loss of trapped particles in the inner magnetosphere, and contribute to magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. ULF waves are also observed in all planetary environments in our solar system, from Mercury to the giant planets, and even in Ganymede's mini-magnetosphere. Among the outstanding questions in the study of magnetospheric ULF waves is the nature of their generation and how it affects features of wave-particle interactions. At Earth, the upstream solar wind conditions are known to affect strongly the generation of ULF waves, either through the direct transmission of upstream fluctuations, or in creating favourable conditions for the waves to develop. For example, high solar wind speeds are conducive to the development of Kelvin-Helmholtz waves at the magnetopause.
In this session, we welcome contributions focusing on the generation mechanisms (internal and/or external) and the propagation of ULF waves in near-Earth space and at other planets, based on spacecraft and ground-based observations, numerical simulations, theoretical studies, and any combination thereof. ULF waves include for example (but are not limited to) foreshock waves, magnetosheath waves, such as mirror modes or Alfvén-ion cyclotron waves, Kelvin-Helmholtz and surface waves at the magnetopause, and field-line resonances. Presentations investigating the effects of ULF waves on their environment are also encouraged.
Marina Georgiou
Lucile Turc
Martin Archer
Vyacheslav Pilipenko
Kazue Takahashi
Pour soumettre un résumé:
Lucile Turc
Martin Archer
Vyacheslav Pilipenko
Kazue Takahashi
Pour soumettre un résumé:
Bien cordialement,
Dr. Lucile Turc
Academy Research Fellow
Department of Physics
University of Helsinki
Office: C414, Exactum, Kumpula Campus
Pietari Kalmin katu 5, Helsinki
Dr. Lucile Turc
Academy Research Fellow
Department of Physics
University of Helsinki
Office: C414, Exactum, Kumpula Campus
Pietari Kalmin katu 5, Helsinki